More Injuries, An Ass Kicking, Mike Breen Insulting Us - Everything About That Knicks Game Was A Damn Disaster

There's no way to spin zone what just happened. There's no positives to take away. It wasn't hey, maybe Alec Burks doesn't completely suck and can get you 10 points? It was an ass kicking for 48 minutes. It got to the point that Mike Breen dubbed it the Mother's Day Massacre. 

Mike Breen of all people! Do you know how hard it is for Mike Breen to make you upset as a Knicks fan? I know he's a pro's pro but come on man. It was already bad enough, we didn't need to hear that. 

Oh and if that ass kicking wasn't bad enough, more injuries! 

This isn't a Thibs ran them down type injury. Hartenstein hurt himself on a fall, Brunson hurt himself stepping on someone, OG took a weird step. Randle was hurt by the Heat way back then. It's just injury after injury, it happens and it sucks. There's no asterisk in the playoffs, people get hurt. Now it's time for someone else to figure out their role and step up. Everyone on the Knicks are saying the right things. No excuses and all that shit. 

The only saving grace is having two games left in the Garden. We need every bit of Garden magic now. The Pacers got theirs with the Nembhard prayer in game 3. That was the game to steal. Now the Knicks to recreate 1994. 

That's the only thing I got. The hope of guys playing in the Garden and 1994. An ass kicking is whatever, but the injuries, the way game 3 went and then this? Disaster through and through. It feels like we're on life support. Just win game 5. Win at home. 

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