The Castellanos Family Dog Unfortunately Had To Be Put Down And Nick Honored The Pup The Best Way Possible: Dingers

Damn. What a bittersweet moment for the Castellanos crew. Putting down the pet is one of the most difficult situations almost every family has to endure. It sucks. Royally. But at least Nick's brother Ryan can put it in perspective a bit. Whenever something goes drastically wrong in the world, St. Nicholas is right there with a smash. It's what keeps this universe balanced. 

And yes, I am aware I wrote an entire blog on the day of OJ Simpson's death alluding to this subject matter only to have Castellanos not hit a home run that evening. Relax. That only proved Nick goes yam when something bad actually happens. 

Giphy Images.

As for the Phillies, they just romped the Marlins 6-2 to win their 8 our of their last 9 games played (and 12 of 14). 27-12 on the year in one of their greatest starts since 1883 aka their entire existence. And it's not just the superstars. Yes, Bryce is smashing and Turner was non-2023 Trea until his hammy popped. You got Johan Rojas has gone from not being able to hit the ball out of the infield to an absolute machine at the plate. Alec Bohm is in the MVP race. And Ranger Big Nuts Suarez. More on him later, but it's certainly ideal to have your 3rd started be the best pitcher in the league thru May at 7-0 while the team wins all 8 of his starts. 

RIP to the Castellanos family boxer. Now win the whole damn thing in the name of the pup. Enjoy the Summer for it looks like another Red October will be upon us all…

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