The Pacers' Game Winning Shot Left Knicks Fans In Shambles

ANDREW WILLIAM NEMBHARD!!!!!!!! You beautiful eyed son of a bitch. You saved the season. Throw this man a parade, build him a statue, dedicate May 10th as a state wide holiday in Indiana!!!! I still can't believe he made that shot. 

Nembhard had 2 points leading into the final seconds of the game - the same number of ginormous, grown man testicles he keeps tucked away in his massive nut sack between his legs. Nembhard ends the night with 5 points after hitting the biggest shot of his career. A playoff moment that will be greatly remembered forever by Pacers' fans, and potentially remembered in infamy by Knicks fans ....

Look at them all! Devastated! The reactions are priceless. Rico did a complete 180 on his emotions, Big Ev had his soul snatched, Jack Mac looks like he's not reacting, but his might be the best - because I know that look. He's doing what my dad does when he's so upset, he can't even think, he just silently sits in a chair and stares a hole into the wall in front of him until he figures out what to do next. 

Frank The Nets Knicks Fan: Checking the fandom rulebook, and this reaction is acceptable. I've seen people comment on Frank's social media that he is a Nets fan, and shouldn't be rooting for the Knicks. BUT, if your team moves, there's an unwritten rule that you can change allegiances. If your wife divorces you and gets remarried, yeah you have memories you made together, but now she has a new name and is making a life with someone else. Usually it's a separate life that's distant from yours. BUT, in Frank's case for this analogy, his team moved next door and is banging the next door neighbor. Devastating. So, definitely a legal move.

Knicks' fans thought they were about to take this series to an unprecedented deficit to come back from (3-0), then NOPE! Nembhard throws up a bobbled 3 pointer and drains it. We live to fight another day. The Knicks threw everything they had at us knowing they didn't have OG, and we survived the 1st wave. The 2nd wave on Sunday should be easier to to hold off, but this Knicks team is unreal when it comes to effort, who knows what will happen. I hate the NY Knicks with all my heart and soul, but respect to that team, which isn't composed of real people - they are super soldiers that were built in a lab for Thibodeau. 

Knicks fans thought they could break Indiana with a win tonight. Now with the series at 2-1, Knicks fans will have to sweat out a game in Indy on Mother's Day. What was going to be a relaxing day spent showering mom with love and thinking about the Boston sucks chat you and the boys will get going at the garden, will be spent worrying about THE Indiana Pacers. 

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