An Expert Confirms the Vegas Family That Encountered 8-Foot Aliens in Their Yard is Totally 'Authentic' and 'You Can't Deny' the Evidence

You may remember this video from this blog, posted almost exactly 11 months ago:

[N]ot every 911 call about a UFO is the same. Once in a great while, you get actual physical evidence to back up their claim. From a source as reliable as a Las Vegas PD body cam. This local station agrees. To the point the kind of story they wouldn't have touched with a million light years pole as recently as a year ago, led off their newscast.

This video begins with audio of the 911 call. The body cam footage comes at around the 1:30 mark. Followed by another officer's video where he's in his cruiser joking about how nervous he is to respond to this one. Then him talking to this family, who come across as 100% sincere to me. You judge it all for yourself. ...

Here's a cop - minutes before the family has placed the call - talking to a guy on an unrelated matter, and his camera captures an image without him even knowing it: 

I was convinced this body cam footage was legitimate and this family was telling us exactly what they experienced. But you don't have to go by me. I'm just a dashing Silver Fox with undeniable charm; not some UFO expert. But if you'd rather take the word OF a UFO expert, I have just the guy:

Source - A viral video of an alleged alien encounter outside a Las Vegas home from 2023 is not doctored, experts say.

“Once you see it, you can’t deny it,” evidence examiner Scott Roder told News Nation.

“There’s no editing. That is an original video. We tried to debunk it to see if there was something that was added to the video. All of our results came back as it was authentic,” he said. 

The clip in question was taken overnight between April 30 and May 1 last year by teenager Angel Kenmore [who] called 911 around 11:50pm — roughly the same time a Las Vegas police officer reported a fleeting object in the sky. …

When Kenmore and his family went to investigate, a video they had taken caught unexplained motion above a fencepost in the right of the frame. 

The movement caused the family to flee in terror. …

After deeply reviewing the footage — shot roughly 80 miles from Area 51 — Roder became convinced this was not a hoax or “a floating head.”

“We believe it’s attached to a body. And the motion of that head from right to left is consistent with the motion that we see between the slats of the fence,” he said.

“It’s there. It’s absolutely there.”

And there you have it. Not just my word. Not just Angel Kenmore's. Not just the LVPD officers who saw the UFO zizzing through the sky toward the ground and inadvertently captured it on body cam. Not just the fact the timeline perfectly aligns with the family's call to 911. No, you can discount all of that evidence and simply listen to a professional UFOlogist.

What have we been told for the last four years, plus? "Listen to the experts." "Trust the science." Well Scott Roder is an expert. He's using science to examine the evidence. For all you Neil deGrasse Tyson skeptics who are always asking for the proof, and this family and these officers have given it to you. It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! 

Giphy Images.

I'm sure further evidence will be coming in days, weeks, months and years to come as every inch of the world is inevitably covered by video 24/7. But this Roder gentleman and I have all the proof we need.

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