Moose Liked Having a Plaything, Especially One as Busty and Curvy as Cindy...

Part 13: The Probability of Having Sex With Cindy and Mary Was Always Looming...

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Watching Cindy and Mary strut their stuff into the house had me, Moose, and John mesmerized. They were wearing dungaree cut-off shorts, halter tops, and sandals and looking incredible with their Florida-baked tans. 

It was late afternoon when they arrived, and after they put their suitcases down in the living room, Moose gave them a quick tour. They were impressed with the house and the spacious backyard. They never told us where they stayed with Butch, but they reacted like they'd hit the jackpot walking through our place.

We decided we'd all walk down to the supermarket, get some groceries, and celebrate their arrival with food and drink. John had some money, and the girls did, too. Moose and I were flat broke and waiting for our unemployment checks.

We had no money, and aside from some bread and condiments, the refrigerator was pretty bare. For dinner, we ate what I called Wishburgers: two pieces of white bread, ketchup, mustard, and onions, and you just wished there was a burger in there. It wasn't great, but it sure beat going hungry. Eating oranges and grapefruit we picked off the trees in the backyard got old quick.

As soon as our unemployment checks arrived, Moose and I would head to Burger King and stuff our faces with Whoppers and fries, which were really good back then. Going to the supermarket on someone else’s dime was a rare privilege and one of the perks of having house guests. 

The five of us walked into the supermarket and filled a cart with our favorite foods. Afterward, we got some beer, wine, and a bottle of Southern Comfort at the package store. We finished our shopping spree by stopping to see the girl at the Fotomat, where John picked up a half-ounce of Columbian. Once we secured that purchase, we had everything we needed…

We were all excited to drink, smoke, and eat, and as soon as we got home, everyone got busy pouring drinks, preparing food, and rolling joints. Moose's stereo was blasting.

I had stopped drinking Drambuie and started knocking down cheap domestic beers instead. My daily routine was simple: wake up late, have a bloody Mary or two with Moose, eat some food, and at around 3:00, I'd go into the garage and pump iron. Even with John, Cindy, and Mary living with us, I stuck to my routine despite all the obvious distractions.

That first night we had a feast, and afterward, we all got totally fucked up. 

It was after 2:00 AM when we finally decided to crash for the night. Cindy slept with Moose in his bedroom, Mary took the couch in the den, and John crashed on the floor in the living room. I went into my bedroom and slept on the full-size bed. 

When I woke up in the morning, John and Mary were sound asleep, and Moose and Cindy were still holdup in Moose's bedroom with the door shut. I made coffee.

Within a half hour, everybody was up and complaining about their hangovers. The coffee helped. It was a fun night, and having people in the house living with us wasn't as bad as I thought. 

John was warming up to Mary, and his intentions were becoming very clear. Mary seemed to enjoy the attention.

Moose liked having a plaything, especially one as busty and curvy as Cindy. Although he looked really happy, I knew where his heart was… 

Back in Massachusetts, Moose was in a serious relationship with Terry. She grew up on a small ranch in Sharon, loved horses, and dressed like a cowgirl. No one looked better in tight blue jeans, a big western belt buckle, leather boots, and a cowboy shirt than she did. Her body was tight, and although she wasn't busty like Cindy, she had a unique style, and she wore it well. Her light-brown hair was medium length, and she walked with a confident gate. We all thought Moose was the luckiest guy in the world. Terry was fucking gorgeous…

When she broke up with him, he tried not to show any emotion, that he was okay with moving on, but secretly, he was devastated. Even after we were in South Florida, every once in a while, he thought he saw her. "Did you just see Terry?" he'd ask me.

I'd say no, and he'd say, "She was just standing right there," and he'd point to a spot. 

He did it a lot, and Terry was never there. He had heard she'd gone down to Florida for the winter, and I know he was hoping to see her, but he was hallucinating, and that's when I told him to stop, that he was seeing a mirage

Once I saw John putting the full-court press on Mary, I withdrew from the race and just kept to my routine, which remained simple. Bloody Marys in the morning, pump iron in the afternoon, drink beer, and smoke weed all night long. I was drinking a lot of beer. I was good for a dozen and sometimes more, which forced me to make beer runs every other day. 

Everyone knew I'd be walking to the packie to pick up beer, so they gave me their cigarette orders. We were all smokers. I always grabbed a handful of Slim Jims, too, the long ones. I was eatin' a shit-ton of those. 

I had become so predictable. One night, I finished my workout later than normal and missed my beer run, and everyone knew it. I remember John and Mary asking me what I was gonna do since I was all out of beer and the package store was closed. When I said I wasn't sure, John offered me a belt of his Southern Comfort. I had never had it before, and after just a couple swallows, I was hooked. John told me to hang on to the bottle and to drink as much as I wanted. 

I finished it and got hammered. From that day forward, I drank Southern Comfort

A few times a week, I would take off on my bike mid-day just to get away for a while. One day, when I got back, John met me in the garage. "Hey Vin. I just wanted to tell ya that when you leave, Mary goes into your bedroom and reads your poetry, and when she comes out, she tells me how talented you are. She's fuckin' crazy about you. I'm not chasing after her anymore, but you should…"

I was shocked that Mary was reading my poetry and that she had feelings for me. 

On Saturday night, we all decided to go to a bar that had music and dancing. We took a cab so all five of us could go and get as fucked up as we wanted.

That night would change everything…                                                                                                                                                      

Well, she's fashionably lean
And she's fashionably late
She'll never wreck a scene
She'll never break a date
But she's no drag
Just watch the way she walks
She's a twentieth century fox… 

To be continued…

*All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental… 

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