Instead Of Going On Vacation To Hawaii With His Family, We're Sending Brandon To Idaho To Work

Brandon admitted that he needed a vacation yesterday and we did what only The Yak would do. We offered to pay for first class tickets to Hawaii for him and his family and buy his best meal there. However, that would be if the wheel landed on Hawaii when he used a specific spin designated for Hawaii that he would call pre-spin. 

It of course didn't hit until after he ran out of chances, so he would have to go on a vacation of his choosing based on a few presentations today.

Option 2 looked nice!

Big Cat was willing to go all out for Wisconsin to be the destination.

But ultimately, the wheel landed on Brandon going to…Idaho!

Kate put together a terrific itinerary what was Brandon-themed. Brandon of course was upset he snubbed North Carolina, a place he's been longing to visit, only because he didn't want to eat a Vegan meal. Lots of laughs were had. Catch the full Yak here:

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