Rick Carlisle Needs To Shut The Fuck Up And Coach This Team

Godwin's Law is that when you have to bring up Hitler to win an argument, then you've lost the argument. In sports arguments, Godwin's law is blaming the officiating. If you have to say, well the officiating sucked, so we lost. You lost. You're allowed to be upset with officiating, but blaming officials as the sole reason you lost is loser talk. 

So, Rick, I'm sorry, but shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up. You're making this Pacers franchise look pathetic. Was the officiating in Game 1  piss poor? Yes. At the same time the Pacers didn't close out. Hali, your #1 player, with 6 points, and Siakam with the most meh game ever for a #2 guy. Rick echoed the same sentiment about closing out in his  post game presser after the first loss, but now Carlisle wants to bring up past officiating and tonight's officiating? Yeah, there were bad calls, but brother - we just lost to a Knicks team that didn't have Brunson for 20 minutes, and lost OG down the stretch. You left TJ McConnell on the bench for the last 7 minutes of the 4th quarter. But, now you want to essentially make claims of illuminati conspiracy theories on how the NBA is pushing the agenda of putting large market teams to the finals? Respectfully, fuck off. 

I like Carlisle. He's brought stability to the locker room after some extremely mediocre coaching years with Nate McMillian, and the worst year of our lives with the Nate Bjorkgren experiment, but my concern has always been this is only a coaching stopgap. I haven't been a fan of his rotations at all this post season, especially when it's MAY and he's messing around with lineups that have never once been on the court together. Now you're benching your team's spark plug when the game is slipping through your fingers? What were you saving TJ McConnell for, Rick? Never thought I'd be saying TJ McConnell was the game winning solution, but tonight that was absolutely the case. That's on coaching! We didn't play defense, we didn't hit shots, Haliburton woke up, but Siakam was no where to be found. So maybe instead of blaming the officiating for all of our problems we look in the mirror and figure this out, because game 3 is Friday and we cannot lose. No more excuses. No more fucking around. Lock in.

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