Mocking His Wife And Teammates After Playing Balls To The Wall For 48 Minutes Is Exactly Why Josh Hart Is The Lunatic Knicks Fans Always Deserved

If you think this is going to be a blog that's basically a verbal blowjob towards Josh Hart, you're goddamn right. You also likely watched the game last night, or really any playoff game, because you know what's coming. Josh Hart making winning play after winning play after winning play. Dude just goes balls to the wall for quite literally the entire game. 

No one can really explain why he's the best rebounder in the game. No one can really explain how he never gets tired, his best friend included. 

The man was out here doing an in-game interview after the 3rd quarter sucking wind talking about how he loves the pace. He's a fucking lunatic, who was made to play for the Knicks. He was made to wear number 3 and just create havoc in the playoffs. That's the best way to describe him. He's controlled chaos. He's a lunatic in the best way possible.

He also has the personality that we want. Brunson is the quiet killer. He's basically a robot at this point. But Brunson? He's got himself sleeping on the couch. 

He's 100% serious too. The man has played every minute in the second half in the playoffs. He's willing to go 48 every single game because he's wired that way. Great line too. Perfect execution, especially considering he admitted he drank his wife's breast milk. Not for me, but hey, if it's part of the reason why he can fly around and beat the Pacers lap it up. 

It's not just his wife either. He's playing with his two best friends. He's going to mock them like any good pal. 

Hart, we love you man, but let's let Donte shoot the threes. You just go get the rebound and putback. That offense works for us. All I know is he's the player we deserve. We lived through far too many Andrea Bargnani and Eddy Curry's of the world. We lived through far too many of Isiah Thomas fuckups and terrible signings. Josh Hart being the guy who goes balls to the wall for 48 minutes and immediately makes fun of those around him? That's the guy we deserve. He fits in with the barbarians outside of MSG chanting after every single win and pissing every other fanbase off. 

4-year/$80 million contract. What a steal! What a steal! He's ours for good now. 

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