Watch: A Bunch Of Women Got All Liquored Up And Beat The Shit Out Of Each Other At A Bad Bunny Concert

Source - Some women who love Bad Bunny also love beating the hell out of each other ... as a few vicious fights erupted at his Saturday night concert, momentarily stealing the show.

Bunny was oblivious to the violence as he performed at the American Airlines Center in Dallas -- but the fists were flying as several female fans pummeled each other like they were playing Street Fighter.

The Video: 

Throughout the ordeal, Bunny kept singing -- the fighting was too far from the stage for him to see -- but the fans in this section definitely had their attention split ... between Bunny and the brawl.

By the way ... the person shooting the footage mentioned this was the second battle royale of the evening. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again...if you are an adult who fights, you are trash. It's as simple as that. It's one thing if you've had a couple cocktails and are rough housing with the boys, but to actually fight someone makes you a piece of shit. I'd ask what the fight was over but it's irrelevant. These are grown women dragging each other around by the hair at a Bad Bunny concert. Read that sentence again and let it sink in. In the words of the late great Joan Rivers..."Trash dahling! Trash!"...




Now…having said that, there is a very short list of situations where physical contact is appropriate and it's as follows…

1. Defending your family or friends

2. Stopping a terrorist attack 

3. That's it

Other than that you can't really touch another person. Even if they accidentally spilt a beer your halter during Ojitos Lindos. Also, this woman landed TWENTY-TWO punches to the face before the other one got the upper hand…

She needs a water and an MMA contract stat. Anywho, apparently there was more than one fight during the show and Bad Bunny just kept on singing. Good for him. I'm sure he didn't see them, but even if he did no need to stop the fun of the masses to reprimand the mistakes of the few. Let them beat each other unconscious and keep the party moving. Thank god everyone walked out of there okay.

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