The Sixers Pathetic Attempt To Keep Knicks Fans Out Of Philly Couldn't Stop One Last 'FUCK EMBIID' Chant Inside Wells Fargo

I'm gonna miss playing Philly. I mean that. There's a special sort of hate we have towards the Sixers and Philadelphia. I'm going to miss my idiot friends from back home texting me whenever the Sixers had a lead like it mattered. I'm going to miss the fuck Embiid chants. It's beautiful. We come to your city, we take over your seats and we yell fuck Embiid. He became a top villain for the Knicks in my lifetime. He never reached Reggie status, but he felt like the first one since Reggie to get there, even more than Trae Young. 

So it was cute that the Sixers owners bought 2,000 tickets off the secondary market and handed them out to Sixers fans. They tried hard! Gotta hand them that. 

But we still showed up. Of course we did. There was never a doubt that Knicks fans would be inside Wells Fargo. So while Joel put up a good effort, he simply can't *ahem* finish the story. This is his story. Big numbers, lose, wilt away when the game matters. However you want to describe it, it happened again. Mind you the Knicks also didn't have Julius Randle or Bogdanovic. Injuries aren't an excuse right now. You play the games in front of you and you win, unless you're the Sixers. 

Now we channel this hate to Indiana. Something that shouldn't be hard for any Knicks fan like me in our mid-late 30s. We thrive on this sort of hate. So for one last time, fuck Embiid. It's even happening outside MSG

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