FAIR IS FAIR: Scott Foster AKA "The Extender" Has Been Named Crew Chief For Tonight's Sixers/Knicks Game 6

(Yes, that Tweet is from 2022, but just the fact that stat existed at one point in recent history is so outrageous it needs to be 

OK, NBA! Not only are you gracing us with a 9pm EST start time for two East Coast teams so people who don't even care about sports on the West Coast can watch before their dinnertime, thank you very much for putting one of your most tenured referees on the most important game of the night! Scott Foster has been handling these high pressure playoff games for DECADES now and I'm sure he's only been assigned to this pivotal Game 6 because of his longstanding experience in this league. Nobody cares if he was talking with Delco Timmy D after every single game before Donaghy reported to prison (watch the Netflix: Untold Operation Flagrant Foul as it's truly incredible Foster is still in the league let alone calling the biggest games). Let's have a good, hard fought, fair called game where everyone has fun and nobody gets hurt. Go basketball teams!  

Frozen envelop. Kings/Lakers Western Conference Finals. Scott Foster. If you don't know what any of that means, use that Google machine and get educated. Obviously this should be ideal for the Sixers. But it's not like Chris Paul plays for the Knicks (3-17 lifetime when Foster refs Paul in the playoffs). You still gotta play the game. And for the Sixers, they have to realize this Knicks team is the complete 180 from their fanbase. The players actually have heart. They don't just talk shit when they're up and call players like Tyrese Maxey - "Gutless": 

Get ready for more war. Stream tonight at 9pm. CUE IT. 

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