Fashion Icon Tim Duncan Came Back Into Our Lives Last Night And Instantly Turned Into The Coolest Man In The Whole Damn World

Andrew D. Bernstein. Getty Images.

You know Tim Duncan. There's no reason to run through his list of accomplishments even if he somehow has become underrated as a top-10 player all time. His name simply doesn't come up enough when we start talking about lists. But you know where his name should always come up? Fashion.

Getty Images.
D. Clarke Evans. Getty Images.
Andrew D. Bernstein. Getty Images.

The Big Fundamental baby! I don’t understand how a man this size can find clothes so baggy, but our lives are better because of it. But Tim has been out of our lives for a little bit too long. That is until last night when we finally saw him as the coolest motherfucker to exist. 

Tim Duncan has been part of my life since 1993 when my old man kept making me watch this big man try to keep up with Randolph Childress at Wake. Never in my life did I think the man from the Virgin Islands, known for bank shots, defense and hating Joey Crawford would turn into the coolest guy in the world. Just fully embracing island life, looking like he can still go get 50 if he needs to while also not giving a shit about anything. Tim Duncan's got it all figured out. Icon. 

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