Ain't Nothing Wrong With A Little Wrench Talk Amongst The Fellas

I've been seeing a lot of folks questioning if this is the end of PK Subban on national television. That cancel culture should be knocking on his front door for talking about his hog on ESPN. 

But anybody with half of a functioning brain can tell you that there's not a single thing wrong with anything PK said there. He's with the boys. And when you're with the boys, you've got the green light for as much wrench talk as you want. You can't go around talking about your junk when there are any ladies in the room. But when it's just you and the fellas? It's dick jokes all day long, baby. Personally I think the best wrench talk always involves everybody talking about who has the smallest piece in the room. Talking about carrying around a hammer is a little too braggadocious for me. But if the men want to sprinkle a little dick n' ball talk into the conversation amongst themselves, then by golly that's what they're gonna do. Cancel culture can take a fricking hike for all PK cares. 

The one thing I will say, however, is that this is pretty telling that Steve Levy and PK Subban are just work friends instead of real friends. Work friends respond to something like that with, "yes you do, I have heard". A real friend will talk about how you're a lying sack of shit and that they've seen your tiny little pecker before and it's like a tic-tac popping out of a squirrel's nest. Real friendships are built upon the ashes of tearing each other down. 


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