Breaking down the Barstool Chicago Film Festival Posters & Some Behind The Scenes Drama


I love this. Old school detective look although it seems like Mintzy is a private dick/scientist combo considering his labcoat. Can mintzy solve anything? Doubtful. Can he do anything with science? Even more doubtful. It does intrigue me, though. 

One thing i noticed: Not only is NICHOLAS FASOLI is the second largest font on this poster but there are a whopping ZERO Vivas anywhere in sight. Has Fastoolie lost his fastball? 


A movie called Miss Q that somehow isn't about a JFK Jr. conspiracy theory is a huge miss in my opinion. It also could have been about the slam piece of the ultimate beings from Star Trek but that is maybe too insider. So, from the look of this, we have a white woman as the lead in a Asian-based thriller. Scarlet Johansson will be FURIOUS she got passed over. Adding in Joey makes this movie somehow woke and offensive to asians at the same time. It makes me sad to see one of my favorite directors fall victim to the DEI machine. 


Now THIS is a movie poster, folks. It almost reminds me of an underrated Coen Brothers movie in BURN AFTER READING. Here is some early buzz I've heard from an anonymous cast member:

- Titus really bought in an was a legit incredible actor. 
- "I think we are going to be a runaway winner at the awards"
- "I wish we had a 6'4" blonde woman in our cast" 

All this chatter plus this amazing cast and poster? This is my #1 most anticipated movie of the festival. 


This movie is particularly intersesting becuase it has had the most disasterous production so far. Frank has been making it absolute hell on earth for the entire team between demanding a written script within hours of the draft starting, yelling about call times and getting absolutely shredding by McKenzie for sleeping on the job. 

I've heard nearly nothing about the production of this one, so I reached out to a few members for comment.
- "We shot the horror scenes on Day 2 but the real horror took place on day 1" 
- "We were down bodies early, but I was really impressed by the people who stepped up in what I think will be a strong final product"

The trailers for these drop tomorrow and clips start dropping Thursday. Until then, make sure to check out the BOY KILLS WORLD trailer below. 

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