Futuristic Flame-Throwing Robot Dog is Available For Purchase For The Average Joe Which Is Making Many People Orgasm

My first thought when I saw this was that I needed to send it to Big Cat. You're telling me we can add the robot fire dog to the gauntlet during the Yak? You're telling me that one of the punishments for Jerry After Dark could be him getting in a flame suit and getting lit the fuck up? Oh baby. I am into that. 

As a bomb dog handler at my previous job, this would have been an amazing skill to add to my normal working dog. If I were going to clear rooms, I would love for my dog to have fire and not just teeth. Don't get me wrong, the teeth are fucking great too. 

Using flames in war has a pretty rich history. One of my favorite interviews I've ever done is with Medal of Honor recipient Woody Williams. He lit his thrower up dozens of times in Japan. 

Woody talked about carrying this big, heavy backpack with a tube attached to it. That tube was connected to a flamethrower, which was basically a big tank filled with a mix of fuel and air. When you squeeze the trigger, the fuel shoots out of the nozzle and gets ignited, creating a fiery stream of death.

Now, picture yourself on the black sands of Iwo Jima, facing tough Japanese defenses that had been firmly dug in for weeks. You're moving up the beach through grenades, mortars, heavy machine gun fire and on and on. After miraculously making it through the amphibious landing, you come across enemy bunkers or caves where the enemy was hiding. This is where the flamethrower comes into play.

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You aim the nozzle of the flamethrower at the entrance of the bunker or cave, and you let loose with a burst of flames. The intense heat and fire would flush out or burn up any enemies inside, making it safer for your fellow soldiers to advance. 

Giphy Images.

Pretty damn wild. 

Now, you can accomplish the same type of thing but, this time, it's with a remote control dog. Not only could you be more sneaky but you also take the propane-like tank from a human's back which greatly decreases the odds of emulation. Love that for us. 

Anyway, having a robot flame dog would be sick. I want one just to start firepits in my neighborhood because I'd be the belle of the ball. 

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