Nothing but Respect for This Costco Veteran Who Makes Cashiers Scan His Shirt To Avoid Exposing His Rotisserie Chickens to LED

Let me preface this blog by saying I'm mostly sure this video is fake, but I'm holding out a sliver of hope for the world that there really is an old man out there somewhere putting on his Costco rotisserie chicken barcode shirt and taking price scans to the chest to save his chickens. That's a kind of psychotic dedication I can get on board with.

I don't really understand the vehement opposition to scanning the chicken, but I respect the commitment. Is it that the LED from the scanner is somehow harmful? Because those chickens have been loaded up with more steroids and preservatives than you could ever imagine anyway and if the LED is bad for a rotisserie chicken, why are you taking the scans straight to the heart?

If this guy was in fact taking the hit for his RCs, though, he held a posture quite similar to another figure well-known for his sacrifice.

Hero. Get this guy free rotisserie chickens for life — both to reward him for his massive commitment to the brand and to save any more cashiers from dealing with this insanity.

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