'Until One Of Us Moves On, Fuck Kyle Lowry' - Josh Hart With The Most Beautiful, Poetic Statement That All Of Knicks Fans Can Agree With

This right here sums up Josh Hart and every Knicks fan perfectly. Well, we obviously don't think of Kyle Lowry as a big brother who is dope. We've very much screamed fuck Kyle Lowry for the last year, ever since the Heat series. Talking to fellow Knicks fans Clem, Hubbs and Joey Langone before the series started, Clem asked us who would he end up hating the most. Without hesitating the clear cut answer was always Kyle Lowry. 

Kyle Lowry is one of the worst people to watch play basketball right now. I say this as someone who would have said Kyle Lowry's Villanova team was one of the 5 most fun teams to ever watch. The flopping, the complaining, the fact he came out and hit shots. Yeah, fuck Kyle Lowry. The fact I gotta watch him all series and wonder what the hell he's gonna do to piss me off as a Knicks fan. There's no doubt Kyle Lowry is enemy number 1 for all Knicks fans this series. It's not Embiid or Maxey, but seriously, can we stop Maxey from hitting 42 layups? That's gotta be goal number 1. 

This is why Josh Hart is perfect for New York. He can go play 45 minutes, he doesn't care. He also doesn't care if you're one of his close friends. He sees you as an enemy and that's the only way sports should be. We complain all the time about how these guys are too nice to each other. Not Josh Hart. Fuck Kyle Lowry, that's the motto. 

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