Guys Being Dudes: Portsmouth's Captain Attempts An Inspirational Speech After Getting Promoted, Teammate Interrupts It To Moon The Crowd

I don't care how old you are, how rich you are or where you're from, a well-timed bare ass moon is fucking hilarious. This is a professional soccer player celebrating a promotion to the Championship in England. The only thing he knew what to do in the middle of an inspirational speech is blast his bare ass against the glass. Well played. I know the captain here is mad, but how can you be? You expect someone to be calm and collected during this time? Absolutely not. It was carnage out there last night: 

Night may have gotten away from the fine folks in Portsmouth. I don't understand the trashing of your own bar, same reason I don't get why college kids destroy their own campus after a win. Destroy the other team's campus so you can remind them that you won. I know it's impossible to plan, but that seems like the better idea. Either way, this is a promotion party. That video of the crowd rushing the field is awesome, just incredible scenes as they say. 

But this is about the bare ass move. I can't get over the look he gives after he clearly gets scolded by his captain: 

That right there is every dad/son conversation in the world. Poor Rafferty gets picked up off the glass like a little kid. Marlon Pack out here looking like a pissed off dad with the 'GET OFF THE GLASS' yell. Whether if you're a dad or not, you know the tone and sound there. Rafferty was determined to blast some bare ass and blast some bare ass he did. 

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