Florida Judge Shocked And Dismayed When Pornstar Kayla Kupcakes Flashes Him Mid Proceeding


(Source) A woman made quite the scene in a Broward courtroom this week when she flashed the judge. Susan Surrette, 54, of Fort Lauderdale was arrested on Wednesday for disorderly intoxication.  When Judge John Hurley asked Surrette what she does for employment, she said she works as an escort and porn star named Kayla Kupcakes.

While the judge was reading her charges in bond court, Surrette made some disturbing claims about being roughhoused by police. What she did next, however, left the courtroom in shock.




Is there a bigger group of stuck up know it alls than American judges? Like I can’t tell if this guy was serious or just acting it up because he’s a Judge and thinks he’s the moral arbiter for everything but that was an outrageous reaction to a pair of breasts. Newsflash bucko, that’s Kayla Kupcakes, ever heard of her? Private Stuffers, My Best Friend’s Mom Part 5? No? Or you don’t watch porn because you’re a prude loser? Because if you took maybe one second out of your time and stopped judging everyone you would know that’s Kayla Kupcakes natural pose.




She flashes, that’s what she does. She flashes, makes GeoCity websites from 1998, and occasionally takes a penis on screen. You think she cares that she showed you a little tit? Get the fuck out of here man. She was just displaying all the evidence, meanwhile you’re acting all shocked and dismayed because a chick finally showed you her breasts. Judges man, I tell you, nothing worse than a Judgy Judge. Let Kayla Kupcakes live.





Kayla Kupcakes being 54 and still active in the game proves to all you lazy people out there, myself included, that impossible is nothing. Absolute inspiration.

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