We Need To Host A Bachelor-Style Show To Force Rico Bosco To Pick ONE College Hoops Team To Cheer For

So I was watching the Rundown when Jeff D. Lowe made a statement that stuck out to me. Rico needs to disavow Dan Hurley. I'll take it even further and say Rico needs to disavow all teams besides one. In fact, we can do a Bachelor style show and have him hand out clipboards to coaches. We've talked about doing a Bachelor show on Barstool for years, if not over a decade, and now we have the perfect opportunity. People are starting to pick up on it too. 

I can't stress this enough, you get ONE team. You don't get to go into the NCAA Tournament with 14 bullets in the chamber and act like a loss doesn't destroy you because, oh look over here, Danny Sprinkle! This graphic infuriated me to a point I had to talk to Rico about it over lunch in Chicago two weeks ago: 

You're telling me Rico has THREE teams in the Final Four? Come on. That's so far beyond reality, even for Barstool sake. The whole point of March is you have one team you live and die with. You have one team that either carries you to glory and shit talking or kicks you in the dick and rips your heart out. Guess what? It's most likely the dick kicking that's going to happen. 

So here's my pitch. We have Rico as the bachelor, instead of suits like him wear a track suit or a full jersey. The candidates can be anyone he has ties to. Alabama, Washington (no longer Utah State), Arkansas State, Louisville (no longer Charleston), Iowa, Davidson, Duke, any schools he wants. This can be all 363 Division I teams if he wants it to be. Episode 1 he has to trim the fat though. Eliminate at least 10 schools with Trent popping up out of nowhere to carry luggage away. We gotta get Mintz involved somehow, on a delay of course. Keegs/Ria/Fran doing interviews with the coaches. Then as we progress through the show, the fantasy suite can be going to a practice. We can see Rico's reactions to simple 5-on-0 offense that basically every team in the country does. 

I don't care who Rico picks either. If he wants to stick to Alabama fine, let him make weird elephant noises. But that's his sole team. Imagine the drama as we get late and Rico has to make a decision between Nate Oats and Danny Sprinkle? He wouldn't be able to tweet this anymore. 

Like I said, you get one team to cheer for like a normal person. We're not talking future bets or anything like that here. This is saying 'us' and 'we' and dressing like a superfan. I don't care if you didn't go to the school, do I look down and make fun of people like Marty and 99% of Duke fans? Of course. But at least that's the only team I gotta see Marty spew off about. He gets credit for that. 

But it's a fact now. He can't be a UConn fan, if they knock out Alabama he doesn't get to celebrate. He doesn't get to claim Purdue in the title game. We're in the reality show business (RIPIP No Quitters) and this is a gold mine. Between the drama, the names, the decision, Rico will make LeBron in Connecticut look like nothing. It's time. 

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