Toronto Police Have Come Up With the Most Canadian Crime Fighting Solution Ever

As Canadian field reporter Michelle Mackey tells, us there's a home invasion problem in Toronto. In particular, homes that are being invaded by people who want to steal your keys and take your car. That shouldn't be especially surprising. Toronto is a booming metropolis. It's even more populated than Chicago. All major cities have a problem with crime. Even though as American's we're raised to think of Canada as nothing more than our friendly neighbor who's always on fine, it turns out they have problems just like us.

Now, I don't mean to make light of the grand theft auto running rampant in Toronto. It's not a laughing matter. And I shouldn't be perpetuating Canadian stereotypes. But tell me... is that piece of advice offered up by Constable Marco Ricciardi not the most Canadian solution you've ever heard?

"To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door."

Genius. Just politely give the criminal what he wants. I've actually been doing something similar for years. Every night before I go to bed, I tape a crisp $100 bill (USD) on my front door. Every morning I'm $100 poorer. But on the flip side, I've never once woken up to a masked man holding a sawed off shotgun to my forehead. 

I suppose Constable Marco isn't wrong. If the criminals are after your car, you're much less likely to be pistol whipped across the face if you just... let them have your car. There's definitely merit to that. The problem now is that they just made these at-risk cares even more enticing for criminals to steal. Imagine you're a Canadian criminal thinking about stealing a car. But you know it's such a hassle. Not only do you have to burst down a front door, then you're forced ransack through a dark home looking for keys, you might even need to take a child hostage at some point to get what you want. That's a lot of work. But if the criminal knows all he (or she) needs to do is knock over the door, and the keys will be hanging on the wall to the left... that's easy money. You can't be giving away the playbook like that guys..

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