It Looks Like I Need To Step In The Box Against Roger Clemens And Take Him Deep

 I can'r believe the title of this blog is even a sentence. I will do anything to get a hit off of the Rocket. I don't care if he is 90 years old. Being able to say I got a hit off Roger Clemens is fucking insane. I may even ask if he can throw a bat at me. But I will take this seriously and if he doesn't set this up I will have to call Roger out and I don't want to do that. I am already hitting current MLB pitchers and I cant be scaring away Hall Of Fame Pitchers. 

I already know how it would go. Roger would start me with a fastball inside so I get a little scared even though I will eat a fastball and get my OBP higher. Then he is going to leave one hanging and I am going to rip a line drive right over the short stops head. It is that simple because he is gong to think I have a long swing but it is deceiving. 

So Roger when you see this I will fly to you, play and away game rip a single and head home while Cooperstown gives me a call. I want nothing more than this, I prepared all of Febriary and my life for this moment and I am not letting it pass. I would love some help from the stoolies tagging Roger to let him know this needs to happen. The clock is ticking Rocket.  

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