Is She The Asshole For Telling The Mom Of A Crying Baby To Get The Hell Out Of A Bar? (P.S. - A Very Hot MILF)

Yahoo - A heated argument broke out between restaurant-goers in Austin, Texas as an angry woman ripped into a 27-year-old mother for bringing her child to the bar.

“Get your baby out of the bar, why would you do this to the poor kid?” she is filmed asking, as several people watch on in the background.

“He’s having fun,” a member of the other party replies.

“No, he’s not having fun. You’re an idiot. Get your f***ing kid out of the bar,” the woman, becoming more irate, says.

As the exchange unfolds, a member of staff attempts to step in between the pair to defuse the situation.

A few things here. 

I started this series a couple of months ago and fell off because some of the topics I found on the reddit thread were just too unbelievable or made up.

This one dropped with video and basically sold it itself. For a few reasons.

1- This milf is giving off MAJOR Tami Taylor vibes

which begs the question, is this how women are built in Texas? Do they all take really good care of themselves like this and age like fine wine into certified smokes?

2- She makes a fantastic point, but this is a classic case of, "it's not the message, it's the delivery". 

What she's saying isn't wrong, "no, a bar probably isn't the greatest place to bring your baby to. Sure, there are worse places, like a refinery, a mortuary, sewage treatment plants, etc., but bars definitely aren't the best look. Not really showing off exemplary mother skills by needing to be at a bar so bad you'll go even when you can't find or afford a sitter. That said, this lady didn't have to come off as such a see you next Tuesday like she did. Yes, she's quite visibly hammered in this video, but still. No need to berate this lady like this repeatedly. Especially after saying she was getting the check and leaving. We get it lady.

So to answer the question, yes you are the asshole. But you are also very, very hot. 

Giphy Images.

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