This Guy Still Loves His Cybertruck Even After It Almost Killed Him and His Family

What a tweet. Social media is so often a cesspool of the most vile and terrible parts of human nature, but it's posts like this one that make it all worth it. A month of wading through the most mind-numbingly stupid and awful shit one could possibly read is suddenly worthwhile when you see a guy say he still loves his car that almost instantaneously killed his wife and small child.

I must be severely lacking in brand loyalty because if my car suffered "catastrophic failure" with my wife and child inside, I would no longer be a fan of that manufacturer. I'll go so far as to say I'd likely be quite angered. Not Matthew, though. The only thing he's upset about is the fact there was no Tesla service center open to get his Cybertruck back on the road faster.

That toddler is gonna learn that life is dangerous someday, may as well be today. Cybertruck or nothing.

I just can't get over, "Pretty pretty pretty not good," when talking about a vehicle almost spontaneously killing you and your family. We can't even get a "pretty bad"? I need this guy's thoughts on the situation in Ukraine.

I hope everything works out alright for the Chiarello family, because it seems like Matthew is going to literally ride his Cybertruck until the wheels fall off.

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