There's Never Been A More Embarrassing Way To Lose A Hockey Game Than This

Let me tell you something. Miracle is without question a top 2 hockey movie to ever exist. might actually end up being the worst hockey movie for hockey players. That's because the moment that movie came out, it gave hardo coaches like this the greenlight to bag skate their teams following a loss. 

If it worked for Herb Brooks and Team USA in the 1980 Winter Olympics, then obviously it has to work for this random ass NAHL team. USA was heading into Lake Placid with a goal to shock the world and take down the Soviets. This NAHL team went down to Austin to beat a team called the Austin Bruins during some random February regular season game. Clearly the stakes are just as high here, thus the equal punishment. 

It's hilarious because you know every jackass coach who pulls this move because they saw it in Miracle is waiting for one of their players to step up and give them that Mike Eruzione moment. But instead, the whole team absolutely hates your guts for making them look like a bunch of assholes while the team that just waxed them is still out there watching. You just want to get into the locker room, rip a quick shower, and get your ass back on the bus as soon as possible after a brutal loss like that. Get home, get drunk, rinse and repeat. Instead, you've got an entire peanut gallery there chirping you to pieces while you skate your nuts off because Coach thinks he's Herb Brooks and is going to turn the season around by being the biggest prick imaginable. Good luck with that one, pal. There's probably a reason why USA Hockey isn't knocking down your door trying to get you to coach the team at the 2026 Olympics. 

Sidenote: If you're going to be the coach who pulls this move, at the very least you need to keep a 6-pack cold and ready to hook up the Zamboni driver. You can't be mucking up his whole day just because you're trying to make a point. If you're going to slow him down, at least make it worth his while. 


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