30 Teams In 30 Days: The Oakland A's Will Once Again Be The Worst Team In Baseball

Somebody has to be the worst, and this one was pretty easy. I almost feel bad putting the Oakland A's at the bottom of this list. Not only are they the worst team in Major League Baseball, but they're on their way out. Watching the next several years of Oakland Athletics baseball will be like watching somebody slowly bleed to death. It's a historic franchise that has sadly been uprooted by a greedy owner, but what else is new? There are several teams I will talk about who are near the bottom of this list that can at least sell the idea of hope. Certain teams have bright futures and good farm systems; they just aren't ready to compete in 2024; the Oakland A's are not one of those teams. It wouldn't shock me if every single person in this organization, from the manager all the way down to the custodian, is working for another team by the time the Athletics (or whatever they're going to be called) are in the playoffs next.

I've been trying to figure out whether or not the A's are going to be better or worse than they were a year ago. It's not like they necessarily lost anyone important, but they didn't really gain anyone important either. I feel like last year, there was that stretch in the middle of June when the fans came to the ballpark, and they miraculously pulled eight consecutive wins out of their ass. That was a pretty cool moment, and I worry that it was the last cool moment in the history of the Oakland Athletics. They are a team that is far away from being far away from competing, and I'm certain that whatever great moments may lie ahead will sadly not come in Oakland. 

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