Sources Close to Gisele and Brady are Beefing Over Whether She Started Dating Her Jiu-Jitsu Trainer While They Still Married. So it's War, Then.

Anyone who knows anyone who has been through the pain of a divorce should have an understanding of how difficult and traumatic it can be. And the longer the marriage lasted, the harder it is on all involved. Which is why if you have even a drop of the milk of human kindness, you should show empathy and root for their happiness. 

And that goes for Gisele. Sure, we all may have a bias toward her ex-husband for all the joy he has brought into this harsh, cruel world. But she too has made life in this vale of tears worth living too. Plus she's now into the 25th year of her endless prime. And to not share her beauty and desirability with another would be a real crime.

So when she was captured on security camera on Valentine's Day publicly displaying affection with the Jiu-Jitsu instructor she's presumably been seeing, it felt like a win for everyone. She's in peak form. She's single. It would be a shame for her not to mingle. 

Since then though, the question has come up as to when exactly the affection first started being displayed:

Source - Last week, Page Six exclusively reported that Bündchen and her jiu-jitsu trainer, Joaquim Valente, are a couple and are “deeply in love.” 

But “sources” sought to downplay the romance, with insiders telling People a few days later, “They have been dating since June. They’re taking it slow. They started out as great friends first. She’s very private about this and wanted to keep it quiet while they got to know each other.”

Then Brady’s pals appeared to call “BS” on the dating timeline that appeared in People, with other “sources” running to TMZ to tell the outlet, “They should add ‘2021’ after June. Then the headline would be accurate.”

Brady and the supermodel divorced in October of 2022 after they’d separated months earlier in June. 

But a source close to Bündchen insists there was no cheating.

Oh really ...

Giphy Images.

What we've got here is your classic He Said/She Said. The way obscenely famous, gifted, and wealthy people do it. Which is His Anonymous Sources Said/Her Anonymous Sources Said. 

We don't know the truth. We can't really ever know the truth. But look in your heart and ask yourself who benefits from lying? The person who got cheated on, or the one who did the cheating? Brady gets nothing out of his people making up a fake timeline about when his ex started buttering the other side of her toast with this dreamy martial arts bohunk. While it's in her best interest to make everyone believe she waited until after the divorce to start feeding that desire. 

And besides, how can you do this kind of training with someone who's a perfect match for you on the attractiveness scale and not want to take them to the summit of Bone Mountain?

It defies biology to think you can have that much intimate contact with someone you're attracted to and not want to ride the F Train. It's like training with your instructor on Dancing With the Stars, only more so. If anything, the actual sex would be less personal than doing all the holds, flips, rolls and arm bars. 

Which makes it all the harder to buy what Gisele's public relations team is selling here. Assuming it's true that she was doing The Beast With Two Backs with this Joaquim Valente in June of 2021, it's going to be virtually impossible to forgive her. Bygones cannot be bygones when someone does the GOAT of all men dirty like this. You don't cheat on Tom Brady. And he doesn't cheat on you. If anything, you help him to cheat. You change fumbles in the snow into incompetions, point cameras at sidelines, bug visitors locker rooms, jam helmet radios, use trick formations and deflate footballs* and all those illegal practices that made him the best there ever was in this game. But you don't betray his loyalty. Hell, I rooted against him in 2020, and I'm still not over it. But I would never put another quarterback over him. And certainly not some martial arts sensei. 

The bottom line is Gisele has a lot of 'splainin' to do. Not just to her ex, but to all of us who were so emotionally invested in their love story. Some vague denial by an anonymous source isn't gonna cut it. We have a right to know and we demand answers. 

(*Think of how ridiculous this sounds. Now consider how many people believe it.)

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