White Sox Dave (And I) Helped Produce A Song, And The Comments and Feedback Are RUTHLESS

Last week our good buddy and Barstool Backstage cohost Colin released a new song with his band Foxtrot and The Getdown.

It's called "Coffee and Cigs" and it's honestly a very catchy, very well done song.

For some odd reason, Colin's brain told him having White Sox Dave debut the song here on Barstool SPORTS dot com was a smart marketing decision.

So Dave did just that.

Not exactly what my move would have been, but what do I know? I'm just a dumb DJ who plays other people's music.

As you can imagine, the comments were ruthless. 

I'm talking brutal. 

I'll post some of the worst ones in a second, but what I don't want to be lost on everybody here is that had this song just popped up on your spotify "recommended for you", or you heard it on one of the 300 radio stations it's now playing on this week, there's a high probability you would have thought to yourself, "hey, this song isn't too bad." Or, "who is this band, this is refreshing to hear a song with real, live instruments in it for a change." OR, "holy shit is that a saxophone? This song fucks."

But instead, Dave dropped it here, told the world he's listed in the producer credits (as am I, because it's takes a village, and our Backstage crew is a team), and this was the result.

Savage. But expected.

Believe it or not, a lot of work went into this song. The band worked on it for months. I listened to two dozen versions of it before wizards Kenny Carkeet and Johnny Kongos put their magic touches on it - with Dave's and my input of course- and voila. 

Here's a video showing it's evolution.

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