Celtics Owner Wyc Grousbeck Confirms That The Team Is Currently Filming Their Own "Last Dance" Type Of Documentary This Season Which Is Both Awesome And Terrifying At The Same Time

Maddie Schroeder. Getty Images.

Uhh, I'm sorry what? What did Wyc just say? The Celts are officially making their own "Last Dance"-esq multi-part documentary following the 2023-24 team???

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Let's be honest, this is either going to be the greatest thing ever documented on film or one of the most painful things my eyeballs will ever watch, with no in-between. I mean we all already knew what a massive season this was and how much legit pressure there is for the Celts to finally break through and win their 18th banner. They've been the best team in the NBA since the season started, they are checking off every box you want to see along the way to the playoffs, but ultimately EVERYTHING comes down to whether or not they actually end up as the last team standing.

As someone who has blogged a lot about how I am a big time sucker for any type of basketball documentary, it goes without saying that I am beyond IN on this project. Now knowing that the team has been filming and collecting all this behind the scenes content so far this entire season has me itching like crazy to see it. 

I also love that Wyc made it clear that win or lose, the world is going to see this documentary. That's the risk you take when you do something like this, there's a chance things don't go your way and what you thought was going to be a way to document a title run is actually you documenting a disaster, because make no mistake about it, if the Celts do not win the title this year, it will be a disaster. That potential reality is not lost on me, but scared money don't make money as far as I'm concerned.

Which is why I am once again at the mercy of the Basketball Gods. I am begging. I do not ask for much, but I need to ask for this. Please let this be the year. The team is good enough, they play the right way, they are doing everything right in terms of how they built and run this team, they've gone through the postseason heartbreak, and we as fans deserve for this to be a happy documentary and not one that I will refuse to watch ever again if things go south.

I want to be able to put this right next to the 2008 Championship DVD that I most definitely still have and may or may not watch whenever I'm looking to have some "alone time"

Some might see this as a jinx of sorts, and I'd be lying if I said there wasn't a party of my brain that had that thought initially. Why tempt the Basketball Gods, you know? Maybe do all this but just keep it to yourself, and then if you don't win the title, destroy the footage or something. But now that the cat is out of the bag, it's another element of pressure. Granted the players have been doing pretty damn well while knowing this is all going on, so maybe this is something that is helping their focus? I won't rule that out.

At the same time, I am aware that the team will be dragged like no team has been dragged before if they somehow come up short and this idea flops. Even still, I'm willing to take that risk for how incredible it will be to watch all this footage if the team pulls it off.

This also isn't the first time we've gotten something like this either, as you'll remember the Big 3 era was featured on the NBA's "The Association" back in 2010

Unfortunately, that didn't exactly end the way we all may have hoped (lost in the 2nd round), so perhaps this is their chance to give us all the ending we should have experienced over a decade ago. This time around the stars aren't aging, but instead are just about to enter their prime. We no longer have to rely on an old as shit Shaq, which is a nice twist.

Either way, this is going to be as must watch as must watch gets for myself and Celts fans everywhere. Part of me actually wishes I didn't know about this, because now it's just another thing I've added to my list to be nervous about for the rest of the season, but if they pull it off? 

Oh baby

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