The Avengers According To Pardon My Take (Trigger Warning)

A few months ago, the Pardon My Take boys attempted to talk about The Avengers a little bit on their show, and it didn't go over so well with the nerds....

To say that clip was triggering for us would be an understatement. 

(Actual photo of me)

Thanos killed himself? Tony Stark's brother is fucking his wife? Which Avengers was BABY YODA IN?!?!?

Giphy Images.

I contacted my lawyer (Mike Portnoy Esq) immediately to inquire suing for libel, slander, and defamation - but unfortunately Mr. Portnoy is also Pardon My Take's lawyer, presenting a conflict of interest - and since I've never entered the Tunnel of Chaos with Dana White, I didn't have the money to afford any other lawyer. My case against the jocks on PMT ended here….or so I thought.

Today, I woke up to this tweet, and I knew exactly what it meant….

I pull up Pardon My Take, I scroll to the end of the Robert Griffin III interview, and I listen to the audio equivalent of waterboarding.

(Avengers talk starts at 1:52:24)

RGIII, a self-professed nerd, brings up his love of Dragon Ball Z - and then asks Big Cat and PFT to compare 49ers to the Avengers.

This would be like asking me to compare the Chiefs to the political leaders of the 1500s. There was never a chance in hell of success. 

Obviously, I'm as oblivious about the 49ers as they are the Avengers, so I can't verify how accurate the comparisons made were - but here's a list of the "Avengers" named in this segment:

-Iron Man



-Baby Yoda (Roku)


-The Incredible Hulk

-Forrest Gump

I'm shocked they even got 2/6 of the OG Avengers from the MCU in there, considering BATMAN, PIKACHU, BABY YODA (WHO THEY WERE CALLING ROKU), PREDATOR, AND FORREST FUCKING GUMP MADE IT IN THERE! 

I'm not gonna lie, though….in the world of multiverses and crossovers running the box office….

It sounds kinda sick! I'm not a Pokemon guy (sorry anime people) so Pikachu doesn't do anything for me here, but I'd pay good money to see a conversation between billionaire genius Tony Stark, gamma ray genius Bruce Banner, and Forrest Gump. Maybe that's what AI could be used for in the future.

Batman and Predator are gonna need to get re-acquainted, as well, because they weren't so friendly in their 1991 crossover comic - 'BATMAN VERSUS PREDATOR'….

Check out the rest of PMT for more boneheaded comic book takes like these. They're so dumb, they're kinda brilliant….

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