A Reporter Asking An Incredibly Hungover Patrick Mahomes From Disneyland What He Thought About The NFL Being Rigged To Benefit Joe Biden Was Unreal

What a clip here. I don't care if you're red, blue, or orange but the funniest part about this clip is that Pat Mahomes looks absolutely blitzed and nursing a hangover was truly all-time. You know they had him sitting there doing interview after interview and he had to sit through twenty questions about what he thought of Shanahan's decision to want the ball third in OT before this. I don't blame him on the hangover, though. We've all been there, except my version is probably having to go to work the next day and listen to Frank screaming about how Steve Cohen is a fraud owner. And my hangover wasn't alcohol induced, it was watching-middle-aged-men-try-to-shoot-41-free-throws-in-a-row-induced.  

I get trying to fill the void of time with a guy who just won another championship, but social media taking over the bulk of the questions is peak 2024 too. Maybe the Internet was a mistake. You may as well have asked him what he thinks about that Pookie and Jet couple taking over TikTok too at that point. Or that Brock Purdy lookalike that got millions of followers and a free trip to the Big Game. And why bring Taylor into it by saying it was rigged for her political gain and not just her rooting for her boyfriend? Bring back the "NFL wants ratings" conspiracy theories! 

I'd like to think I'd be better given a chance to interview Pat Mahomes after a Super Bowl win, especially with my degree of sports journalism from a prestigious Big Ten school. But let's be real, I'd probably just ask him what the thought about Mantis shooting free throws with Pat Bev rebounding after driving an hour and a half after defeating the defending champions in an NBA game to come help a sleep-deprived Portnoy. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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