Legend: Travis Konecny Needed Just Over 4 Minutes On The Ice To Pick Up Gordie Howe Hat Trick

Len Redkoles. Getty Images.

Travis Konecny is a hockey player. He's everything that is perfect about the game. He's got a ton of speed and a ton of skill. He's an annoying little shit who never shuts his mouth throughout the entire 60+ minutes of the game. And he's not afraid to bounce his fist off an opponent's skull if necessary. 

Hockey players are on a spectrum. On one end you have your pretty boys. On the other end you have your goons. The ideal hockey players are somewhere in the middle, and that would be where the rats reside. Travis Konecny has taken his game up to a point this season where he's in the conversation for being the Rat King. 

Up first, the All-Star had to TCOB (take care of business) and beat the shit out of Neal Pionk. 

All Star Game on Sunday, chuckin' knucks on Thursday. Travis Konecny can do a little bit of everything. And once a player of TK's caliber gets a fight out of the way in the first period, you know you're on Gordie watch the rest of the night. Turns out that Travis Konecny didn't want anyone to have to wait too long to see if he'd put the other two pieces of the puzzle together. 

After 5 minutes in the box, Travis Konecny went out there and gave the Flyers a 2-0 lead with his 24th goal of the season. 

Obviously it would be rude at that point to make everyone wait until after the first intermission to see him pick up that last assist he needed to cap off his night. So a few minutes later, he gets his name on the scoresheet for the 3rd time of the night with this assist on Morgan Frost's goal to make it 3-0 good guys. 

4 minutes and 8 seconds. That's all the time it took for Travis Konecny to completely take that game over. I need John Tortorella to slap a 'C' on this guy's jersey before I have to sneak into the Flyers' locker room and stitch one on there myself. 

Play the song! 


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