Cody Rhodes Chooses Roman Reigns And Get SLAPPED By The Rock At The WrestleMania Press Conference


After all of the drama, all of the back and forth, and all of the outrage - Cody Rhodes has officially chosen to face Roman Reigns at WrestleMania. 

It all went down at the big press conference in Las Vegas today, where Roman Reigns came out and declared that since he was the champion, he would call the shots - and he "decided" he'd defend the WWE Universal Heavyweight Championship against The Rock at WrestleMania this year. 

Only issue being - in kayfabe, Reigns doesn't get to make that decision. The Royal Rumble winner, AKA Cody, does.

So The Rock came out to hype up his match with Reigns, to a VERY polarizing reaction - mostly boos....

....and he played into it perfectly - drawing out the boos with long pauses, calling the crowd "Cody Crybabies" again, and he even brought out a damn powerpoint presentation to celebrate the "one and only dominant and royal family in wrestling"....

Eventually, Cody came out - said this is all bullshit, it's my choice and I choose Reigns….and the crowd went nuts.

Reigns then brought up Dusty Rhodes, calling him irrelevant - and in response, Cody says Roman's ancestors would be ashamed of him if they saw him now. Here's where it gets really good….

Giphy Images.

The Rock steps to Cody and says something along the lines of, "Let me make something perfectly clear. When you're talking about his family….you're talking about my family. When you're talking about his ancestors….you're talking about my ancestors. And when you're talking about his blood….you're talking about my blood. So now we have a problem." and then he slaps the everliving piss out of him….

(Power Slap is LIVE and FREE on Rumble tomorrow night!)

Everyone starts getting separated like a scuffle is about to break out - Cody is ushered away, Seth Rollins is screaming at Reigns/Rock - and it's just all out pandemonium. It almost felt like they set up Rock/Reigns vs Cody/Seth as a tag team feud, and that match would be AWESOME at the Elimination Chamber in Australia this month, but I don't know if Rollins would be healthy by then. I figured his knee needed until at least April to fully heal. I'm not a doctor, though, so who the hell knows.

Finally, a backstage interview with Triple H was interrupted by The Rock post-presser where he was cursing up a storm….

I loved him telling Triple H that if he doesn't fix this, they will. Bloodline Rock is gonna be awesome, for however long it lasts. He's always been better when he's allowed to be a bit of a dick in my opinion, and him playing into being a TKO board member and the biggest movie star in the world is going to do this WrestleMania build wonders.

You'd have to assume this will turn into a triple threat at Mania one way or another, but as of right now, nothing is official except Cody challenging Reigns for the title at WrestleMania. 

Congrats to the Cody Crybabies. We did it.

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