Put Up Or Shut Up: Chelsea Fan Talks Shit To Mykhailo Mudryk In His DMs, He Responds Challenging The Guy To A 1-on-1 Game For $10k

Hell yes, we need this to happen. I'm no Chelsea fan, but watching a regular ass guy play a pro in anything is well worth the price of admission. Remember Pros vs Joes? Yeah, give me that but with money on the line. Yeah we know Mudryk has been awful and Chelsea sucks now, but this is still worth it. I mean 1-on-1 in soccer isn't the best setup, but if you're going to try and give tips to a pro you should at least step on the field and see what happens. 

Also rules are rules. That's a verbal agreement that if Mudryk scores this fan has to pay him. He should 100% be motivated to score and then find this guy, demand his money. Even funnier that he responded 'are you good at football?' Of course he isn't. If he was good he'd playing pro somewhere. Good chance this guy is just a Sunday leaguer who is dreaming of playing the big time. But you gotta take this opportunity. You gotta be the guy who accepts a $10k challenge. It's a no-brainer. 

It's not like Chelsea is fighting for a Champions League spot or anything. They are mid-table stuck in no man's land. This is how you bring some entertainment to the fanbase. If you want to talk shit in DMs and get called out you should HAVE to play. Find some big time backer for your $10k and show up. Plus, imagine if you somehow win? That's the ultimate bragging rights in life. If you beat a pro in any sport in their prime, you instantly become a hero. You tell everyone that story. Hell, I'd have shirts printed out and wear them daily. 

Make this a weekly show again in all sports.

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