What Would You Do? Man Working in $3,500 Apple Vision Pro While Riding NYC Subway

The Apple Vision Pro is officially here. In real life. This is real life now, and instances like this are only going to become more prevalent.

You know those, "What Would You Do?" shows, where the producers set up a person in a difficult situation to see how they would react. They'll have some 6'4" 280 lbs jacked dude with face tattoos pointing two guns at a child and are like, "Ooooh let's see if this unsuspecting man does anything about it." Then when he fails to put the man in a chokehold and wrestle away his gun, they go, "Wow look at this fucking pussy, if it were us we would have beat that guy up and turned him into the authorities." 

We do that concept but with this guy. Have a 22-year old college student standing in a dark alley in a dangerous neighborhood with his Apple Vision Pro doing the whole waving his arms in the air thing. What would you do if you stumbled upon that man? Would you merely let him go on with his day? Would you warn him that he's in a dangerous area and he should be more aware of his surroundings? Or would you punch him in the throat, kick him in the head, then take his Apple Vision Pro and run off into the night?

If the person simply leaves the man in the headset alone like 99% of people will do, that's when the producers jump out and say, "You idiot! Why didn't you rob him! What will become of our society if we let this type of behavior go unpunished? Are we just going to let a bunch of rich assholes run amok in their $3,500 goggles and go unpunished? Shame on you."

It's the right thing to do. Is that going to far? Yes. I probably shouldn't be advocating for crime. I should NOT say that we need to nip this in the bud and start robbing everybody we see wearing Apple Vision Pros because if we don't then 3 years from now everybody is going to be walking around with their heads in the cloud, then next thing you know, when we're all distracted by 4D TikTok's... BOOM! That's when Russia gets us. Our country is doomed.

Either way, this might be the thing that turns me into an old man yelling at literal clouds. I actually don't even care about the distraction element of the whole thing. The concept of it is cool. They just look so fucking stupid. It's impossible to wear an Apple Vision Pro and not look like an asshole. I wouldn't care if it were a small pair of regular looking glasses. I don't care if it's a chip Joe Biden plants in your eye. I just don't want to see the goggles. You look dumb. You look like you deserve to be robbed. Again, I'm NOT saying we should rob them. I'm definitely not saying that. But also if someone wearing an Apple Vision Pro ever bumps into you on a sidewalk, you should at minimum be allowed 1 free kick to the groin.

This on the other hand deserves life in prison.

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