Winner of $2.4 Billion Dollar Powerball is Being Erroniously Accused of Stealing The Ticket By a Man with ZERO Evidence on His Side

NY Post - Although he says it’s “not about the money now,” Rivera is still on a mission to “prove I’m the true winner” and insists that “Castro lied.”

Rivera, who has been charged with filing a false police report, came forward after Castro won the historic $2 billion prize claiming that he had been the one to purchase the ticket before it was “stolen” by his landlord and eventually ended up in Castro’s hands.

I've been keeping up with this story only through the periodic headlines I see on sites like the New York Post. The short of it is, Edwin Castro hit on a $2 billion Powerball ticket. Months after Castro won the lottery, Rivera claimed that Castro had illegally obtained the ticket from him. Rivera claims that the winning ticket was stolen from him by his landlord, and then somehow that stolen ticket ended up in Castro's hands.

It sure seems to be a completely erronious accusation. There's legitimate video evidence of Castro purchasing the ticket. The ticket number and timing of Castro's purchase all check out. Jose Rivera is being charged with filing a false police report. It's undeniable that Castro is the rightful Powerball winner. But that is NOT stopping Jose Rivera from going to the mat.

Let me be clear that I do not support what Jose Rivera is doing. It's obvisouly complete bullshit. I'm all about chasing a bag, but you can't just completely lie to get it. It's one thing to show up at court with an eye patch after a billionaire NFL owner throws a drink in your face. But to completley fabricate a story about a total stranger isn't cool.

That being said.. this isn't the dumbest money grab I've ever seen. I mean, it's really really dumb. Rivera doesn't deserve shit. He knows it, Castro knows it, the service shop that sold him the winning ticket knows it, everyone knows it. But I think I understand Rivera's strategy. Here's a man who just cashed in nearly $1 billion dollars after taxes. All in one lump sum. If I just scream "liar" at him aggressivly enough for a long enough period of time, maybe he'll kick me some cash. Because nobody wants to deal with that. Espeically not a billionaire. Castro doesn't want to go to court. He doesn't want to think about this Jose Rivera guy at all. What Rivera is doing  is using the "'be annoying as humanly possible until someone gives me something to shut me up" strategy.

It's a strategy primarily used by children and homeless people. Like the kid shopping with his mom who spends the whole trip demanding she buy him a toy, until she gets so fed up with his bitching that she caves and purchases an action figure just to get on with her life. Or a homeless man who asks you for money and proceeds to follow you down the street until you finally turn around and say, "Ok dude Jesus Christ here's a dollar just leave me alone." That's exaclty what Rivera is doing.

The Sun - Asked how he pleaded on video when leaving court, he blasted, "Not guilty because I'm the rightful winner, and Castro is the fake one, the liar, lying a** b*****d.

"I'm ready for the fight for the world with Castro, I'm excited. He's gonna see it for himself, he's gonna be in shock at what's coming to him. I'll see you soon in court, Castro. Liar. You're going down, Castro."

Rivera also told The U.S. Sun, "I can't afford an attorney right now, they are so expensive. I'm not working, there is no money coming in. I just want this to be over, I'm so tired of this.

Can Rivera manage to be annoying enough that Castro eventually says, "Oh my god shut the fuck if I give you $50k will you just leave me alone?" That remains to be seen. He's got all of his chips pushed to the middle. He's pleaded not guilty to filing a false police report. He could end up going to jail for this. But he continues to insist to the world that he is the rightful lottery winner, despite not a lick of evidence on his side. Money makes people do crazy things. Stay strong Castro. 

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