USA Today Names Florida State The Most Overrated Fan Base In College Sports

USA Today


I’m not going to even touch on your former quarterback whose name rhymed with “shame us.” Instead we’ll focus on the appalling, annoying and out-of-date Tomahawk Chop, which is probably the worst thing in all of sports. Why do people care about the Washington Redskins’ name but not the Tomahawk Chop? Probably because they know FSU will be back to being mediocre in a few years and it’s not worth the trouble. – CC

I was about to say wow, takes a braaaaveeee brave person to make a troll list like this with the sole purpose of anatagonizing #FSUTwitter. It’s been well documented around here how ruthless those motherfuckers are. Then I saw who wrote it and it makes a lot more sense.

You Pats fans may remember Chris Chase as the guy who recently went on a Boston radio show to shit on Brady and got annihilated, and who wrote a long thinkpiece about how Brady forever ruined his image by fighting the NFL on its ruling after accepting its Super Bowl trophies. Others may have checked out the Columbia Journalism review article about his troll tactics making him “the most hated blogger in America“. Basically, just the type of guy who would intentionally try to get viral by poking the FSU bear about a tomahawk chop and a QB named “Shame US.”

Seriously you can say what you want about Florida State, but saying their fans are overrated at supporting their team is DEFINITELY not one of them. Almost nobody on planet Earth with the possible exception of Kentucky hoops fans rides-or-dies harder with their team than FSU. For better or for worse.

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