Moving The Rose Bowl Game To SoFi Stadium Is The Single Dumbest Idea In The History Of Mankind

I know all of us bloggers here can be a bit hyperbolic in our titles, but this is not one of those times. Moving the Rose Bowl to SoFi Stadium is the single dumbest idea in the history of mankind. The only thing that can come close to this is the idea of expanding the NCAA Tournament. We're talking arguably the most iconic sports venue in all of America. We're talking the name of the Rose Bowl because it takes place in ... wait for it ... the Rose Bowl. 

Listen, I'm also aware who we're talking about here. Stephen A. will say literally anything to get clicks. But this is a bigger issue because we're about to enter the 12-team playoff era. We're all in a world where we're seeing who gets what games and what bowls survive. The one thing that should be constant? The Rose Bowl being played in Pasadena on New Years Day at 5pm. It's the perfect game, the perfect setting, the perfect time. 

Michael Heiman. Getty Images.

As for the other side, we have this from Kirk: 

I don't hate this idea, I just don't know how it works logistically. Again, the Rose Bowl needs to be played at the same time, the same day every single year. It's tradition and I love tradition. Here's what I do know. Houston should never get to host a title game again. That city SUCKS when it comes to hosting major events. It doesn't matter if it's a Final Four or college football title game. Get it out of there. It's the worst city to host a major event like that. 

That said, I'm fine with the college football title game taking place only at the Rose Bowl or the Sugar Bowl. Those are the two best bowls by far. Imagine New Orleans with college football fans for a national title after a 12-team playoff? Yep. ESPN will be apologizing for boobs everywhere. 

Nothing screams college football like SoFi Stadium. Fuck outta here with this idea. 

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