Panthers Owner David Tepper Fined a WHOPPING $300,000 for Throwing Drink at Fan, No Word if Fan Will Be Paid

I've been following this story closely ever since drink throwing-gate went down on Sunday. Not so much to see how the NFL would react, whether it be a fine or suspension. But fining a man with a net worth of over $20 billion a total of $300k is beyond laughable. If If I'm David Tepper, and that's all the punishment I get, I'm throwing drinks at any opposing fan who so much looks at me the wrong way from this day forward.

"Oh yeah Roger Goodell? What are you gonna do, fine me TWICE as much? Ohhh noooooo! Are you gonna write me another stern paragraph?"

Please... $300k to David Tepper is probably close to the equivalent of $3 to me (I didn't do the math but that seems about right). But I really don't care about how the NFL punishes David Tepper. He could go completely unpunished as far as I'm concerned. I only care about whether or not the victim is paid.

They say you shouldn't pocket watch, but when it comes to people catching bags via finding themselves in fortunate (or unfortunate depending on how you look at it) circumstances, I do not subscribe to that rule. I've written at length about my dream of falling into a New York City subway grate on my walk to work. Break a leg, get attacked by rats, report to the city that I've suffered irreparable trauma that I will never recover from, then walk away with a quick $3 million courtesy of Eric Adams. I'm a huge fan of regular people stumbling into large sums of cash. So I'm very curious as to whether or not the fan will be able to squeeze any money out of this multi-billionaire drink throwing owner.  

Unfortunately, I'm yet to see any information regarding whether or not the fan is pursuing legal action. I don't have the slightest idea as to what the fan could potentially earn from the incident either. All I know is that if I were him, I'm spending the next day going on a tour or any TV or radio or internet show that will have me. I'll be wearing my eye patch, talking about how David Tepper throwing a drink in my face has caused me and my family a great humiliation. One that we may never fully recover from. You have to give it a shot. It could be the only one you get.

Now you could look at this situation and say, "Do you really want to go up against a known spiteful asshole who has unlimited legal resources to fight tooth and nail so that you don't get a dime?"

That's a fair point. I would imagine if David Tepper really doesn't want this fan paid, then he has the means to make sure it doesn't happen. But I would hope if I found myself in that situation, the billionaire who assaulted me would simply spit in my face, throw a million dollars at my feet, then call me a broke bitch and tell me to fuck off. That's what we call best case scenario in the bag chasing community. But David Tepper might not be that guy. He might be a terrible enough person to do whatever it takes so that this ass hole Jaguars fan doesn't see a dime. Even if that means spending millions of his own.

We may never know for sure if this fan gets his bag. He could have already pain the man for all I know. Part of the deal could have been to keep quiet. That's what I like to hope happened. I hope that P.O.S. Jaguars fan got his pay day. Score one very small and inconsequential point for the little guy. 

DISCLAIMER: I do not condone any bag chasing or a regular, non-rich civilian. That's not cool. Unless they like, REALLY fucked your life up. A morally correct bag chaser toxics the U.S. Government, and anybody who would rather pay $100k than do so much as speak with a lawyer. That's what we're after.

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