A Tesla Cybertruck Was Involved in a Full Speed Head-On Collision and Came Out Completely Unscathed

NY Post - Tesla’s stainless steel Cybertruck was involved in its first reported accident after finally hitting the road last month — and it wasn’t pretty for the other car.

A Toyota Corolla was left crumpled after appearing to collide head-on with the fully electric, bomber-like vehicle on Thursday, according to a Reddit post that showed photos of the accident.

The Toyota’s front end was completely demolished, with the sedan’s side airbags deployed as it rested on the side of the road with its hood popped open and a headlight dangling, one photo shows.

The 17-year-old driver was not hurt, local police told The Post.

The Cybertruck, meanwhile, appeared in perfect condition — though the front end wasn’t clearly visible — as it straddled the yellow line on a two-lane road in Palo Alto, Calif., according to the Reddit post, which was earlier reported on by the Verge.

Hell yeah Elon Musk. I know this was what you had in mind when you unleased to the world your weird rhombus tank that looks like it was designed by a 6-year old who just learned how to use a ruler to draw straight lines. Complete domination in all head on collisions. 

I have some questions about this 17-year old kid who drives a Tesla Cybertruck. At least about his parents. Who is buying their child a Cybertruck as their first car? Who is buying a Cybertruck at all? Do you know how much you have to love Elon Musk to be first in line for that? Unless they did it as a bit. Because that would be kind of funny. To just show up in the driveway one day like, "Here ya go kid, I know you were probably expecting a Mercedes, but I got you a geometry project designed by a billionaire in the midst of a decade long mid-life crisis.

Or I suppose if I had a shit head son, that's the type of car I'd want for him. Something where if he swerves left of center (god forbid) will completely disintegrate any vehicle he comes into contact with, leaving him entirely unscathed so that he can drive away into the night in complete silence (hit & run) without sticking me with a massive insurance payment and a mountain of legal fees. Also it's bulletproof.

Be careful out there people. Head on a swivel. There are now indestructible Elon Musk death machines on the road. And some of them are being driven by stoned 17-year old's with millionaire parents. 

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