Brazilian Model Arrested for Topless Dog Walking is Fighting for Her Right to Have Boobs Out in Public

NY Post - A Brazilian model put her country’s legal system on blast after she was arrested earlier this year for public indecency while walking her dogs topless, according to a report.

Caroline Werner, 37, was put in handcuffs in May after police stopped her for being outside bare-breasted while walking across the street from the beach in Balneário Camboriú, a coastal city in the south of Brazil.

Now Werner is asking whether Brazil’s constitution extends the same liberties to women as men — who are free to be shirtless in public, according to Brazilian outlet G1.

“Unfortunately in my country, even though the Constitution ensures gender equality, in practice this does not happen, I cannot have the same freedom and I feel coerced into doing so by this system and the repressive interpretation of the law,” she told the outlet. “What should be natural for both genders ends up being denied to one of them in an arbitrary and repressive manner.”

If there's one country where it should be safe for women to topless dog walk along the beach it's Brazil... I guess... I don't necessarily know why I feel that way. I've never been to Brazil. I've just been told that it's chock-full of beautiful women. When I close my eyes and picture myself in Brazil, I picture myself laying on the beach drinking some Brazilian beer that I've never heard of as gorgeous women walk along the shore with breasts exposed. That's the Brazil I know and love.

Unfortunately that's not the case. Turns out the corrupt Brazilian police force has gotten out of control, and are abusing their power to ruin everyone's good time by unjustly pulling half-naked dog walking super models off the streets of Balneário Camboriú. It's disgusting really. Thankfully, Caroline Werner isn't going down without a fight. 

“What happened to me, the abuse of authority and judgment by society, demonstrates how the interpretation of the law itself reflects gender conduct dictated by patriarchal, violent culture, in relation to the control of female bodies,” she said.

Couldn't have said it better myself Caroline. Free the nipple. Not only is Caroline speaking out against Brazil's tyrannical government. She's going the extra mile by not showing up to her court dates all together. Despite the fact that she could spend up to a year in prison if prosecuted. 

Article 233 of the Penal Code in Brazil describes the charge as “performing an obscene act in a public place, either open or exposed to the public,” though the law does not define what an “obscene act” is, according to G1.

She could face anywhere from three months to a year in prison if found guilty.

The Santa Catarina state prosecutor’s office is handling the case and has offered her a plea deal, but Werner, who has since moved from Balneário Camboriú, said she did not attend the hearing. Her attorney said she was not notified of the hearing and is requesting a new date.

Personally, if I were Caroline, I'd probably show up to my plea deal hearing considering it most likely would have resulted in nothing more than a fine and some community service. But that's easy for me to say. I'm a man who is free to go nipples out on the beach whenever and wherever I please. My boobs aren't under the thumb of big Brazil like Caroline's are.

To be fair to the police, I'll play devil's advocate for a second. We have to take public safety into consideration. As much as we all love equal rights for women.  As much as we all love dogs. As much as we all love a nice set of bacon hangers. Can society function if we have 9+'s walking around topless on the side of the road? I don't have the data readily available to me, but I'd imagine the rate of car crashes in Brazil would increase exponentially if we allowed the most beautiful women in the country to go boobs out along busy roads 24/7. Not to mention the amount of neck injuries. Or the increase in ruined dates like what happened to that guy from the meme.

But you gotta break a few eggs if you want to make an omelette (eggs being public safety, omelette being exposed breasts). Some things are bigger than public safety. Keep fighting the good fight Caroline. I'll be supporting your cause from the comfort of my couch when you inevitably end up in Brazilian jail because you refuse to show up to court.  

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