Girl Goes On A Date With A "Guys Guy" And Is Stunned When He Pays For The Entirety Of The Night

What a video this is. I laughed at the genesis of this being a tale as old as time of a man paying for a woman and providing, but somehow turning it into something about woke programming and liberal snowflakes. My jaw did drop at "it befell me in an organic fashion" when she was describing how she went on a date with a Stoolie. 

I spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out who this woman was, not to enter my name in the sweepstakes, but to see how this all turned out. I feel like it either went one of two ways: they went on about seventeen more dates in the next 13 days and are engaged, or the dollar signs stopped flashing and it ended horribly. I need to know what they're talking about for an entire night. I don't know the true differences between someone from East LA and Santa Monica, but I'm envisioning it to be like Greenpoint in Brooklyn and TriBeCa or something. 

Some of the replies have turned into an argument about how the only thing that made him masculine was his wallet and credit card, and she mentioned nothing about his physique or any other character traits. That's just dating in 2023. I imagine LA is the same as NYC in where if you're in the dating pool, you might as well put yourself $10,000 in credit card debt. You're not escaping a single date in the city for under $200, and if you're actively dating, you reach the 5 figure mark incredibly fast. There's a whole other blog to write about dating practices and how many until she has to start paying or going half and half but that's not the focus here today.

Last thing, honorable mention to this bowl that is getting a lot of the shine on Twitter too that definitely doesn't show any red flags:

Good luck out there in the wild wild West fellas.

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