I'd Like To Go On Record As Saying Jessica Simpson Is 110% Back

There's been a lot of talk throughout 2023 from mainly myself and White Sox Dave about Jessica Simpson returning-

From where you might ask? Let's not go down that road. 

Just know, that through hard work, and good medicine, Jessica Simpson has reclaimed her throne as sexiest 90s pop princess. 

That pic at the top she posted over the weekend...

Giphy Images.

Have mercy is right Uncle Jesse.

Aside from that, she's just been putting an absolute beatdown on instagram for months on end. 

The queen has returned. Looks great for 43.

And not like that even matters because she will forever been enshrined in HoF thanks to her commitment and services in the past. 

p.s.- if you say these songs weren't jams back in the day that still get stuck in your head when you hear them today you're a liar.

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