Nikola Jokic Was Ejected AGAIN Because A Ref Got Emotional And The NBA Now Has A Full Blown Disaster On Their Hands

Michael Reaves. Getty Images.

The internet ink was barely dry from my blog this morning about Trae Young's soft as hell ejection last night, and here we are once again with Nikola Jokic getting ejected AGAIN for some absolute bullshit. 

As I talked about this morning, this is something that has already happened to Jokic, and that was one bullshit too

I am legitimately asking, what are we doing here? As bad as the Pistons one was, tonight's was even worse. There was no getting in a refs face, there was no upstaging a ref or disrespecting the game. Jokic probably told him to wake the fuck up or something after what I'm sure he felt was a missed call. Something that happens all the time to Jokic by the way. Best player on the planet has a worse whistle than an NBA rookie. 

So instead of just ignoring it and letting the game continue, what do we get? Another emotional ref. A guy caught in his feelings because deep down he knows he fucked up. The only problem is these assholes also have the power to throw a player out of a game by giving them a ridiculous 2nd tech. A tech in that situation is always weak as hell, but when the player already has one? You should need a court order to throw that 2nd tech. That player should have to punch someone in the face to get it, not casually tell the ref he sucks while jogging back on defense.

I simply do not understand how Adam Silver can watch this unfold every night in his league and think he doesn't have a massive problem on his hands. You know how much people probably paid to go see Jokic on the only night that the Nuggets will be in Chicago unless both of these teams make the Finals and he doesn't even get to play an entire half? Is that a sick joke? Way to continue to give your fanbase a gigantic middle finger.

Enough is enough already. Just figure this shit out. Publicly shame these refs. Fine them. Do something. This is getting ridiculous.

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