I Cried On A Reality TV Show


Episode 7 of Surviving Barstool was a tough one for your boy. Things were going great. I had made the merge and secretly shifted my alliance from KFC and Feitelberg to Jersey Jerry and PFT. I had been working with Will Compton the whole way as well and when we had publicly shifted to vote with KFC, Feits, and Tommy Smokes, we were sitting pretty with the numbers. But when the vote was supposed to be a smoke out of an idol and votes split on PFT and Jerry, another idea was floated.

I approached Will alone and asked him if he was good with the New York plan. He said he thought now was a great time to vote Tommy out and for us to go with PFT and Jerry to do so. The plan worked perfectly and the greatest Barstool Reality Show Player in history was sent packing.

*Shoutout to Tommy for being a great sport about it.

But the rubber met the road when Jeff D. Lowe told us to sit back down and we'd do another elimination right then and there. Will was in the first voting position and I was second. I knew that KFC and Feits would stick together and vote PFT. I knew that PFT and Jerry would stick together and vote KFC. It was down to me and Will. So when Will voted and came back to the stumps, I was assuming he'd say KFC because we'd just crossed that alliance. 

I'll be honest, I don't have the best hearing and he whispered something as he sat down, but I didn't think it was KFC. Was it? It was impossible to tell at that point, but I did what I thought was logical and voted KFC. The vote came out 3-3 and a tie. 

The rules of the game were explained to use at that point, but I knew that Will, Feits, and Jerry were not picking it up. PFT, KFC and I were the only ones who knew and comprehended the rules.

- We would re-vote

- If we could not come to a majority decision, then we would openly discuss who we would want to vote for and we'd need to come to a majority vote

- If we could not come to a majority vote, we'd have to do a rock draw from the non-voted for, non-immunity players. That would mean, one of me, Will, or Jerry would go home. 

Jerry is as loyal as they come and wouldn't switch. Will was my only hope. And after trying to convince Will to go PFT, it became clear he wasn't going to. 

PFT, my real life friend, and overall great dude was pleading with me to vote him out. He didn't want to see Jerry or me go home. It was a scene straight out of Armageddon. It was ripping me up inside and the decision truly did bring me to tears.

It was a tough decision, but I did what needed to be done. If I'm labeled a snake or rat for that, that's ok with me. As I've said, this is an ugly, ugly game and it's impossible to not get your emotions mixed up in it when you're playing, especially with your real life friends. 

Make sure to tune into tonight's live finale!

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