This Woman Is Going Viral for Making a Video Talking About How Her Boyfriend Has No Friends After She Apparently Invited TWENTY People to His 30th Birthday Party and They All Declined

Ok, there is so much to unpack here. I don't remember the last internet video that got me this fired up.

So this woman has been brought to tears by the fact that none of her boyfriend's supposed 20 friends could be bothered to come to his 30th birthday party. That bring us to the very obvious first issue with this whole thing: having a 30th birthday party as a man. There is simply no reason to have an all-out birthday party as a grown man. Even aside from the ridiculousness of just having a party to begin with, your friends likely have wives and children, which could be much of the reason they all declined to attend.

Which brings us to this 20 friends thing. If I were having a birthday party — which, again, I certainly wouldn't — I think I have seven friends that I would invite. Any grown man who tells you he has more than 10 actual friends is either severely overestimating his standing with many of those people or is simply batshit insane. No adult has 20 friends.

And to that point, this woman supposedly doesn't have the heart to tell her boyfriend that none of his friends care about him, but she could run to TikTok to tell the world? What a way for him to get the news. Poor guy just found out he got traded on SportsCenter.

I honestly think I cracked the case on this, though. The girlfriend mentions that this party is apparently a pretty elaborate deal, complete with a "rental property" sporting pickleball courts and other amenities. That screams an hour and a half drive minimum. No dudes with kids are even entertaining that for a friend's birthday party, particularly on what I have to assume was a weekend during football season. She could not have devised a worse plan to get people to attend this event.

This whole thing is a clusterfuck that came together for the perfect conflagration. All of it could have been avoided if this guy would just ignore his birthday like a normal dude, though.

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