The Kadarius Toney Experience - Ruined An All-Time Cool Play, Cost The Chiefs The Game And Made Patrick Mahomes Lose His Damn Mind On The Sidelines

I don't blame Patrick Mahomes here. You gotta deal with dogshit receivers and Kadarius Toney each week and you're bound to snap. That's before we get into the fact his brother, is, well, fuck that. I don't want to talk about his brother. I want to talk about how the rule should be 'let cool shit stand.' This qualifies as cool shit. 

I know Toney was lined up offsides as weird as that sounds, considering we hardly ever see that called in the NFL. But we really gonna act like that half inch mattered? Of course not. It was the perfect play, perfect execution but the Chiefs are quickly learning about the Kadarius Toney experience. It ain't fun. I mean, Robby sums it up perfectly here

You're looking right at it! Just back up. I mean I know Kadarius Toney did something good in the Super Bowl, but that was him being once a Giant, always a Giant. But this? How many times are we going to just laugh (unless you're a Chiefs fan) at how much dumb shit he does. Still can't believe he ruined that play. Would have been an all-time cool play if that was the game-winner. 

I need to know what Mahomes said to the ref too. I mean he was clearly offsides, but it feels like he just finally snapped about having shitty receivers. Probably what happens when you get that big of a contract, but yeah, welcome to Kadarius Toney's world. 

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