Welcome To Atlanta: We Got Goldberg Pumping Up Falcons Fans By Running Out On The Field And Laying Out A Dude In A Tom Brady Jersey

The NFC South sucks. No other way to put it. Just a bunch of bad teams that are somehow alive for the playoffs because division winners and then the Panthers. But I gotta hand it to the Falcons. They know how to get people fired up. We had Ludacris a couple weeks ago

And now we got Goldberg laying out a dude wearing a Tom Brady jersey. That's how you do it. It's not a full spear, which is a let down for any of us who grew up when Goldberg first showed up. He was must watch TV. I mean the entrance he had? One of the best in all of wrestling.

Shit you even had the Gilberg mocking character. Back when wrestling was wrestling. We really had it the best back then whether it was Jerry Lawler just screaming puppies, DX, Monday Night Wars, Rock, Stone Cold, young Rey Mysterio and Jericho. You name it, we had it. So this is a no-brainer for the Falcons. You bring back a former player who just so happens to be a legendary wrestler. You have them lay out a dude wearing a Tom Brady jersey because, sure, people might forget that Baker Mayfield is the quarterback now. Tough to tell really why you go Brady.
Falcons should be shamed for losing this game at home right now. Can't have Koo missing two field goals and be losing after this. Think you gotta put some of the blame on Goldberg for not going full spear.