Corey Perry Has Released A Statement About The Reasons Why He Was Terminated From The Blackhawks

Damn, not even one ounce of denial or deflection from Corey Perry. He must be dead to rights with his actions otherwise I am sure he would've given his agent and the NHLPA some wiggle room to file a grievance. Doesn't appear, from this, that he will be pursuing that. I guess credit to him for that. I hope he does get the help he says he needs and is able to be a productive member of society because I would assume his NHL career is over at this point. 

I have no idea what he actually did. I have a feeling we will never get the full details. I hope the person on the other side of the incident gets whatever resources needed after this altercation. 

I hope that this whole toxic and disgusting episode is put to bed for good and everyone can move forward in a positive way. Like I've said in many places, I think the Blackhawks organization should've done a better job of handling the internet, but I am glad they acted appropriately by removing Perry from the organization. They also let everyone know that there is a standard of behavior no matter who you are. Overall, I hope this entire thing can be spun into a positive for a young team and a new era. 

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