An Incredibly Stupid Idea: Soccer Will Be Testing Out 'Sin Bins', Where Players Have To Sit Out 10 Minutes For 'Dissent And Tactical' Yellow Cards

[Athletic] - Introducing sin bins to the FA Cup or Women’s Super League is a possibility, with Football Association chief executive Mark Bullingham saying when asked about specific competitions: “These are all conversations to be had. We’ve got to look at the protocol when it comes out and then work out which league is most appropriate to trial it in.”

“The areas we’re looking at is dissent and tactical fouls,” Bullingham said. “There is real frustration with fans when they see a counter attack that is ruined by that and whether a yellow card is sufficient for that.”

A second temporary dismissal in a match results in the offending player being dismissed for a further 10 minutes, after which they may not re-join the match, but can be substituted if the team has substitutions remaining.

What the shit is this? I can't stress how much I hate this. Why? Because every ref is different! There's no consistency and all this is going to do is add to confusion and even more people getting pissed off at refs. Hey, at least they are adding that only the captain can come up and talk to refs. That'll teach everyone. 

Here's an idea. Why don't we improve reffing? I don't get why there's only one ref on the field. Add one on the field to go with the assistants. I know it makes too much sense, but that will help with how games are called. Instead we rely on VAR, which is incredibly faulty and fucks up enough. 

Not to mention 10 minutes is a long ass time for a judgement call. Some ref all pissy that he got a call wrong and people start berating him and you're punished 10 minutes? Get ready, it's going to happen. Also, what happens if multiple people get hit with the sin bin? Granted, it's a great name, what happens? We gonna see like an 11 on 7 power play? That's something that someone who screams that soccer needs scoring would come up with. I don't hate the idea of a sin bin, but 10 minutes? No thank you. Also it should only be for tactical fouls, not screaming at a ref. Ref probably deserves it to be honest. 

If soccer really wants to win people over? Make it a 2 minute penalty for flopping. We're adding flopping technicals in basketball, add it to soccer. That's step 1. Also don't test it out at Premier League or anything like that. I know it's being done at some younger levels across the sea now, but start at small leagues.

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